Top 10 Circular Economy Startups in India

Top 10 Circular Economy Startups in India

In recent years, India has witnessed a burgeoning interest in circular economy principles, where the emphasis is on minimizing waste and maximizing the lifecycle of products and resources. This shift is driven by startups that are innovating across various sectors, from recycling and upcycling to sustainable product design and waste management. Here’s a detailed look at ten pioneering circular economy startups in India:

1. Karma Recycling

Founder(s)Akshat Ghiya
Year Founded2013
LocationMumbai, Maharashtra
OverviewKarma Recycling refurbishes and resells electronic gadgets, contributing to e-waste reduction.
ImpactExtends the lifecycle of electronic devices, promoting sustainability in consumer electronics.
Karma Recycling – Top 10 Circular Economy Startups in India
  • Overview: Karma Recycling focuses on extending the lifecycle of electronic gadgets by refurbishing and reselling them. They offer a platform for individuals and businesses to sell their old devices, which are then either refurbished for resale or recycled responsibly.
  • Impact: By reducing electronic waste (e-waste) through reuse and recycling, Karma Recycling contributes significantly to environmental sustainability.

2. RaddiConnect

Founder(s)Priyadarshini Patwa, Arushi Aggarwal
Year Founded2016
LocationBangalore, Karnataka
OverviewRaddiConnect facilitates the recycling of paper, plastic, and metal scrap through a platform connecting households and businesses with local scrap dealers.
ImpactPromotes waste segregation and responsible disposal practices, reducing landfill waste.
RaddiConnect – Top 10 Circular Economy Startups in India
  • Overview: RaddiConnect operates as a platform connecting households, schools, and businesses with local scrap dealers. They facilitate the recycling of paper, plastic, and metal scrap, promoting segregation and responsible disposal practices.
  • Impact: Encourages waste segregation at the source and supports local recycling businesses, thereby reducing landfill pressure and promoting resource recovery.

3. Boondhoo

Founder(s)Meera Goradia, Piyush Agarwal
Year Founded2017
LocationMumbai, Maharashtra
OverviewBoondhoo upcycles discarded textiles and fashion waste into new products, collaborating with local artisans.
ImpactReduces textile waste and promotes sustainable fashion alternatives.
Boondhoo – Top 10 Circular Economy Startups in India
  • Overview: Boondhoo focuses on upcycling discarded textiles and fashion waste into new products. They work closely with local artisans and designers to create unique fashion items and accessories.
  • Impact: Reduces textile waste and supports local craftsmanship while promoting sustainable fashion alternatives.

4. Banyan Nation

Founder(s)Mani Vajipey, Raj Madangopal
Year Founded2013
LocationHyderabad, Telangana
OverviewBanyan Nation recycles plastic waste into high-quality raw materials for manufacturing, focusing on sustainable packaging solutions.
ImpactAddresses plastic waste pollution by promoting a circular economy approach to plastic recycling.
Banyan Nation – Top 10 Circular Economy Startups in India
  • Overview: Banyan Nation specializes in recycling plastic waste, transforming it into high-quality raw materials for manufacturing. They use innovative technologies to process plastic waste and collaborate with industries for sustainable packaging solutions.
  • Impact: Addresses the plastic waste crisis by closing the loop through recycling, thereby reducing environmental pollution and promoting a circular economy for plastics.

5. ReNew IT

Founder(s)Mukund BS, Ramachandra Budihal
Year Founded2009
LocationBangalore, Karnataka
OverviewReNew IT refurbishes and resells used computers and IT equipment, providing affordable technology solutions to various sectors.
ImpactExtends the life of electronic products and reduces e-waste generation.
ReNew IT – Top 10 Circular Economy Startups in India
  • Overview: ReNew IT refurbishes and resells used computers and IT equipment. They provide affordable technology solutions to educational institutions, NGOs, and small businesses while promoting the reuse of electronic devices.
  • Impact: Extends the life of electronic products, reduces e-waste generation, and makes technology accessible to underserved communities.

6. Phool

Founder(s)Ankit Agarwal, Prateek Khare
Year Founded2017
LocationKanpur, Uttar Pradesh
OverviewPhool upcycles temple floral waste into biodegradable products like incense sticks and vermicompost.
ImpactReduces floral waste pollution and supports sustainable livelihoods for women through eco-friendly products.
Phool – Top 10 Circular Economy Startups in India
  • Overview: Phool focuses on upcycling temple floral waste into biodegradable products such as incense sticks and natural vermicompost. They employ women from marginalized communities to handcraft these eco-friendly products.
  • Impact: Reduces floral waste pollution in rivers and promotes sustainable livelihoods for women through eco-friendly product manufacturing.

7. EnviGreen

Founder(s)Ashwath Hegde
Year Founded2011
LocationBengaluru, Karnataka
OverviewEnviGreen produces eco-friendly and biodegradable alternatives to traditional plastic products using natural materials.
ImpactReduces plastic pollution by offering sustainable alternatives to single-use plastics.
EnviGreen – Top 10 Circular Economy Startups in India
  • Overview: EnviGreen produces eco-friendly and biodegradable alternatives to traditional plastic products using natural materials. Their products include bags, packaging solutions, and tableware.
  • Impact: Offers sustainable alternatives to single-use plastics, thereby reducing plastic pollution and promoting compostable materials in everyday use.

8. EcoFemme

Founder(s)Kathy Walkling, Jessamijn Miedema, Gomathi
Year Founded2010
LocationAuroville, Tamil Nadu
OverviewEcoFemme manufactures and promotes reusable cloth pads as an eco-friendly alternative to disposable menstrual products.
ImpactReduces menstrual waste and promotes menstrual health awareness among women.
EcoFemme – Top 10 Circular Economy Startups in India
  • Overview: EcoFemme manufactures and promotes reusable cloth pads as an eco-friendly alternative to disposable menstrual products. They focus on menstrual health education and sustainable menstrual hygiene management.
  • Impact: Reduces menstrual waste and promotes menstrual health awareness among women, particularly in rural areas.

9. Saahas Zero Waste

Founder(s)Wilma Rodrigues
Year Founded2013
LocationBangalore, Karnataka
OverviewSaahas Zero Waste provides integrated waste management solutions, focusing on waste segregation, recycling, and composting.
ImpactPromotes sustainable waste management practices and resource recovery.
Saahas Zero Waste – Top 10 Circular Economy Startups in India
  • Overview: Saahas Zero Waste provides integrated waste management solutions to businesses, residential complexes, and cities. They focus on waste segregation, recycling, and composting to minimize landfill waste.
  • Impact: Promotes sustainable waste management practices, reduces landfill burden, and encourages resource recovery through recycling and composting.

10. TrashCon

Founder(s)Nivedha RM, Vasanth Kumar Ganesan
Year Founded2015
LocationCoimbatore, Tamil Nadu
OverviewTrashCon Solutions develops automated machines for decentralized waste management, including waste segregators and composters.
ImpactImproves waste processing efficiency and promotes decentralized waste management solutions.
TrashCon – Top 10 Circular Economy Startups in India
  • Overview: TrashCon Solutions develops automated machines for decentralized waste management. Their products include waste segregators and composters that can handle various types of organic and inorganic waste.
  • Impact: Improves efficiency in waste processing, reduces transportation costs, and promotes decentralized waste management solutions across different sectors.

These ten startups exemplify India’s growing commitment to fostering a circular economy, where waste is minimized, resources are conserved, and environmental impact is reduced. By leveraging innovation and technology, these companies are not only addressing pressing environmental challenges but also creating opportunities for sustainable economic growth and social development. As they continue to expand their impact, they inspire others to embrace circular economy principles and contribute to a more sustainable future.

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